The 1962 Awardees
Col. Leo A. Codd
LLB 1922, LLM 1923, MA 1923LLD (Hon.), 1964
Washington, DC
Leo Codd, a decorated Army officer and former president of the Georgetown University Alumni Association, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Hotel Sheraton, Rochester, NY on Sept. 29, 1962.
Col. Codd enjoyed a long career in the U.S. Army in the study of military ordnance. Named to the Ordnance Hall of Fame, the citation read, in part: "Colonel Leo A. Codd was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1895 and graduated from Loyola University in 1916. He later completed graduate studies at Georgetown University, receiving a Master of Law degree in 1923. Following a year as an instructor in chemistry at Georgetown, he was a civilian explosives chemist with the Ordnance Department for six years.
"In 1924, he was appointed Associate Editor of the Army Ordnance Association. For five years during the late 1920's, he was on active duty in the Manufacturing Service of the Ammunition Division, Office Chief of Ordnance. From 1929 until his retirement in 1963, he served the Ordnance Association in a variety of capacities as editor, author of numerous articles on mobilization and defense issues.
"During World War II, he was recalled to active duty as executive assistant to the Chief of Ordnance. Colonel Codd is recognized for his dedication to the cause of industrial preparedness before and after World War II, his long service to the Army Ordnance Association, and his public relations service to the Ordnance Corps during World War II."
In the years following the John Carroll Award, Col. Codd served as vice-president of the Alumni Association from 1958-59 and its president from 1960 to 1962. Codd died in 1971.
A member of ROTC while at Georgetown, his name is honored by the military's Colonel Leo A. Codd Memorial Award, which is awarded to the nation's leading ROTC instructor of that year.

Margaret Baggett Dolan
Nursing Diploma, 1935Chapel Hill, NC
Margaret Dolan, the former president of the American Nurses Association, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Hotel Sheraton, Rochester, NY on Sept. 29, 1962.
Born in Lillington, NC in 1914, Dolan completed diploma studies in nursing at Georgetown in 1935, After a number of years as a practicing nurse, she returned to school and completed her bachelor's degree from North Carolina and her master's at Columbia before joining the faculty at the University of North Carolina School of Public Health, where she rose to Chair of the Public Health Nursing Department, where she served from 1959 through 1973.
A nationally recognized advocate for nursing and public health, Dolan served as an appointee of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson on the National Advisory Health Committee. She helped organize one of the first nurse practitioner programs in the state of North Carolina. According to her biography, Dolan is the only official to have served as president of three national health organizations: the American Nurses Association, the National Health Council, and the American Public Health Association. She was posthumously elected to the American Nurse Association Hall of Fame in 1984.
At her death in 1974 at the age of 60, the Raleigh News & Observer wrote that "Dolan was a sought after speaker, a prolific author and a gifted teacher. She was an advocate for racial minorities, the uninsured and vulnerable people everywhere. Believing health care ought to be a right, she worked tirelessly through education, legislative advocacy and public persuasion to bring changes to law and policy to ensure high quality health care is available to all who needed it. To this end, she was an early proponent of advanced practice for nurses, universal health insurance, and government funding for expanding health care facilities and training health care personnel."

Hon. James P. B. Duffy
AB 1901LLD (Hon.), 1951
Rochester, NY
James Duffy, a former Congressman and member of the New York Supreme Court, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Hotel Sheraton, Rochester, NY on Sept. 29, 1962.
Born and raised in Rochester, Duffy returned to the city following his undergraduate degree at Georgetown in 1901 and a law degree from Harvard three years later. An attorney and local businessman, he served one term in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1935-1937 and completed an expired term on the state Supreme Court in 1937.
"During the course of his life, Duffy was ubiquitous in the Rochester, New York region," reads a Wikipedia page of his life. "He was a founder and for fifty-two years Director of Family Services of Rochester, fifty-two years a Trustee of the Chamber of Commerce, thirty-four years a counsel to the local Red Cross, forty-two years a Trustee of the Community Chest, thirty-four years a Commissioner of the Rochester Museum, thirty-four years a Trustee of the Rochester Savings Bank, thirty-two years a Director and one year President of the local Automobile Club, fifty-two years a Trustee of St. Patrick's Church and three years a functionary of the United Service Organization."
Duffy received the award at the age of 83. He died in 1969 at the age of 90.
Dr. Joseph A. Lane
MD 1922Rochester, NY
Dr. Joseph Lane, the former president of the New York State Medical Association, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Hotel Sheraton, Rochester, NY on Sept. 29, 1962.
Lane was born in New York City in 1897 and settled in Rochester following his residency at Rochester's St. Mary's Hospital. An active and loyal alumnus, he was a member of the American Medical Association and the American Board of Surgeons. Dr. Lane served in both World War I and II, and was the attending physician at Sampson Air Force Base until its decommissioning in 1956.
Dr. Lane died in 1965 at the age of 68.

B. Edward Shlesinger
AB 1915, MA 1916, LLB 1921, LLM 1922Rochester, NY
Bernard Edward Shlesinger, a Rochester based attorney, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Hotel Sheraton, Rochester, NY on Sept. 29, 1962.
Born and raised in Washington, Shlesinger earned four degrees at Georgetown from 1915 through 1922, including an LL.M in patent law that would serve as the foundation for his lifelong career. A patent attorney in Rochester, Schlesinger also founded a law practice in Washington, the firm of Shlesinger, Arkwright and Garvey, led by his son, B. Edward Jr. (L'54), who himself owned over 100 patents and authored two books on patents and inventions.
The elder Shlesinger was a long time volunteer in the Georgetown Club of Rochester, leading its annual fund efforts and serving as a member of the Board of Governors from 1950 through 1953.
B. Edward Shlesinger Sr. died in 1975 at the age of 79.