The 1990 Awardees
Dr. Francis A. Connor Jr.
DDS 1965Greenwich, RI
Dr. Francis A. Connor Jr., a Providence-area surgeon, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Ben Franklin House in Philadelphia, PA, on April 28, 1990.
At the time of the award, Dr. Connor served as the chairman of the American Association of Oral and Maxillocfacial Surgeons, reflective of hid 20 years of service as a leading member of the profession.
A member of the Board of Governors of the Georgetown University Alumni Association from 1979 through 1990, Dr. Connor served on the Dean's Advisory Council for the School of Dentistry and chaired the Dental Annual Fund.
Dr. Francis G. Hurite
AB 1955, MD 1959Pittsburgh PA
Dr. Francis G. Hurite, a Pittsburgh based opthamologist, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Ben Franklin House in Philadelphia, PA, on April 28, 1990.
His online professional biography reads, in part, " A Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS), Dr. Francis G. Hurite studied at Georgetown University in Washington DC. He graduated with his doctorate of medicine in 1959 and continued to build a flourishing career since. Dr. Hurite further trained at the U.S. Naval Hospital and also at The Eye and Ear Institute of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
"A certified ophthalmologist by the American Board of Ophthalmology, Dr. Hurite considers that his success is the natural result of being at the right place at the right time, which allowed him to be at the forefront of the field, developing modern techniques in cataract surgery.
"Dr. Hurite also enjoys a fulfilling academic career and currently serves as a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, where he teaches in his spare time. Dr. Hurite has been practicing ophthalmology for over 47 years and his area of expertise is the prevention, diagnosis, and medical and surgical treatment of cataracts."

Peter G. Kelly
AB 1959Hartford CT
Peter Kelly, a Hartford based attorney and the former national treasurer of the Democratic Party, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Ben Franklin House in Philadelphia, PA, on April 28, 1990.
A native of Hartford and a graduate of the Yale Law school, Kelly has been active in the legal community of Hartford for many years. His online professional biography states: "Since 1978, Mr. Kelly has served in over a dozen National Democratic Party leadership posts, ranging from National Treasurer (1979 - 1981) and National Finance Chairman (1981 - 1985) to senior advisory positions (1988 Gore Presidential campaign, 1992 Clinton Presidential campaign and Gore 2000 Presidential campaign) and Co-Chairman of Clinton-Gore '96 (Connecticut). Mr. Kelly served on the Democratic National Committee from 1976-1992.
"Mr. Kelly is one of the original architects of the U.S. private sector initiative on democratization efforts abroad. He was a founder and Treasurer of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs. He was a founder, Chairman and Director of the Center for Democracy, a bipartisan foundation, from 1984 to 1997. He serves currently as a director and Chairman of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems based in Washington, D.C. and as a director and Vice Chairman of IFES, Ltd. based in London. Over the years, Mr. Kelly has served on over three dozen civic boards, local, national and international. "
A member of the Board of Governors of the Georgetown University Alumni Association from 1970 through 1973, Kelly also served on the Board of Regents.

Hon. Frederick C. Kentz, Jr.
AB 1941Summit, NJ
Frederick Kentz, a retired judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Ben Franklin House in Philadelphia, PA, on April 28, 1990.
A 1941 graduate of the College and a law school graduate at Fordham, Kentz served in private practice at his father's law firm, Kentz & Kentz, from 1944 through 1966. He was appointed a county judge in 1966 and was named to the Superior Court in 1973. In 1980 he was named the Presiding Judge of Union County through his retirement in 1989.
Judge Kentz was a tireless volunteer advocate for Georgetown. A board member of the Georgetown Club of New York, he served for 15 years as the president of the Northern New Jersey committee for the Alumni Admissions Program and was one of the founding members for Hoyas Unlimited in 1970.
Kentz held memberships in the American Bar Association, National Conference of State Trial Judges, National College of Probate Judges, and served as the former President of the State Council of Juvenile Court Judges.
Frederick Kentz died on March 25, 2011 at the age of 91.
Hon. John B. Mariano
AB 1959, LLB 1962Haddonfield, NJ
John Mariano, a judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Ben Franklin House in Philadelphia, PA, on April 28, 1990.
A 1959 graduate of the College and a 1962 graduate of the Law School, Mariano served in private practice before becoming chief prosecutor for Camden County in 1978. He was appointed assistant attorney general before an appointment to the Superior Court for Camden Country, where he served through his retirement. "On the bench, he has gained the respect of his peers and politicians," read the biography of Mariano presented at the awards.
Judge Mariano has been a long time class volunteer for his undergraduate and Law classes, and was an active member of the Southern New Jersey committee for the Alumni Admissions Program. He is a former member of the Board of Governors for the Georgetown University Alumni Association, having served from 1984 through 1990.

John C. McNamara
BSBA 1969, JD 1973Philadelphia, PA
John C. ("Jack") McNamara, a Philadelphia based attorney and alumni volunteer, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Ben Franklin House in Philadelphia, PA, on April 28, 1990.
A 1969 graduate of the Business School and a 1973 graduate of the Law Center, McNamara has been an attorney for over 40 years, specializing in commercial litigation and product liability law. A retired captain in the Pennsylvania National Guard, McNamara also served on the board of directors for the Philadelphia Volunteers for the Indigent and was a loyal volunteer for the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania.
Active in his profession, McNamara has never been far from Georgetown, with a distinguished record of volunteer service through the Georgetown Club of Philadelphia, the McDonough School of Business, the Alumni Admissions Program, and the John Carroll Awards, first serving as a volunteer at the 1976 John Carroll Awards . When the awards returned to Philadelphia in 1990, McNamara served as its event chair, and he served as a regional leader when the awards returned in 2004 and most recently, 2025.
McNamara served as the vice president of the Alumni Association, representing the business school, from 1984 through 1990. He has served in its Alumni Senate since then.

Charles F. Sarkis
BSBA 1962LHD (Hon.), 1991
Boston, MA
Charles Sarkis, a Boston based business executive and entrepreneur, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Ben Franklin House in Philadelphia, PA, on April 28, 1990.
From his earliest days at Georgetown, Sarkis looked to the restaurant business as a career. Following an MBA from Boston College in 1964, he raised the funds to open his first restaurant, Abe & Louie's, in Boston. Sarkis was a pioneer in the arrival of themed restaurants in the 1970's and 1980's, successfully opening and managing such properties as Atlantic Fish Company, Joe's American Bar & Grill, Charley's Eating & Drinking Saloon, Coach Grill, and Papa Razzi.
Sarkis served as CEO and president of the Westwood Group and Back Bay Restaurant Group. Over the next quarter century, Sarkis' holding companies would open 15 restaurants and Sarkis purchased the Wonderland Greyhound Park in nearby Revere. The restaurants would eventually be sold in 2011, while the racing facilities were shuttered upon Massachusetts' decision to end dog racing in the Commonwealth.
In 2011, the majority of Sarkis' properties were sold to the Tavistock Restaurant Group. "I have had the opportunity to work among many great restaurateurs. Charles Sarkis is one of the finest I have ever met," said its CEO, Bryan Lockwood. "His many successful brands speak for themselves. We are proud to carry on his legacy."
A former president of the Georgetown Club of Boston and a member of the Board of Regents, Sarkis was a tireless supporter of efforts to raise funds for Georgetown during its Bicentennial campaign. He was awarded an honorary degree by the University in 1991.