The 1999 Awardees
Kathleen A. Baczko
BSLA 1968McLean, VA
Kathleen Adams ("Kathy") Baczko, a non-profit executive and former president of the Georgetown University Alumni Association, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Renaissance Hotel, Cleveland, OH on April 17, 1999.
A 1968 graduate of the School of Languages and Linguistics, Baczko has traveled extensively in supporting international aid and outreach programs, particularly those involving issues such as education for women, natural resources, political action and climate change. She has held executive positions with Save The Children International, the Clinton Global Foundation, the WASH Advocacy Initiative, and most recently the High Desert Museum in Bend, OR.
Over the years, Kathy and her husband Joe Baczko (F'67), a 2003 John Carroll awardee, have been active across numerous Georgetown alumni initiatives. Kathy served as president of the Georgetown University Alumni Association from 2002 to 2004.

Dr. Oscar Mann MD
MD 1962Washington, DC
Oscar Mann, clinical professor emeritus of Medicine at Georgetown University School of Medicine, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Renaissance Hotel, Cleveland, OH on April 17, 1999.
Mann's family were Polish emigres who settled in Paris in the 1930's. His father was arrested by French authorities in 1941 and died at Auschwitz; the family moved to a village in the south of France to avoid capture. Following World War II, the family emigrated to Canada and eventually to the United States.
"By the standards of the day and age in which I was born, I should have remained a marchand forain (itinerant merchant) all my life, living the life of an ambulatory seller of clothing (schmatta)," Mann wrote.
The Manns settled in Washington, where Oscar served in the U.S. Army and then joined his brother John in college, graduating from George Washington University. Although neither had taken the medical school admissions test, the Jesuit regent at Georgetown accepted both for enrollment.
"Father O'Donnell reviewed our story, transcripts, and degrees," Mann recalled. "He seemed most impressed that John and I had taken four years of Latin. For some reason, he dwelled on this aspect of our background and then left the room with all our credentials. Half an hour later, he returned with a big smile and told us: 'You are both in. You have been accepted. You will receive official letters of acceptance within a week.'"
Oscar received his medical degree in 1962, his brother followed in 1963.
Dr. Mann became a treasured member of the faculty at Georgetown: a clinical professor in internal medicine from 1962 to 1996, and a professor emeritus thereafter. He is a past chairman of the Medical Alumni Board and received the medical school's Founders Award in 2010. Dr. Mann's remarkable life is the subject of a 2000 book, "A Journey of Hope."
John F. O'Brien
AB 1958Rocky River, OH
John O'Brien, a Cleveland based stockbroker and co-chair of the John Carroll Awards steering committee for 1999, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Renaissance Hotel, Cleveland, OH on April 17, 1999.
A member of both the 1962 and 1999 steering committees which welcomed the John Carroll Awards to Cleveland, O'Brien had a long career in the brokerage industry with McDonald & Company, which was sold to KeyBank in 1998.
O'Brien served as a co-chair for his class reunions and served on the Board of Governors of the Georgetown University Alumni Association from 1990 to 1993.
Frederick H. Pennekamp
BSFS 1970Philadelphia, PA
Frederick H. ("Fred") Pennekamp, a Philadelphia and Charlotte-based banking executive, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Renaissance Hotel, Cleveland, OH on April 17, 1999.
An accomplished student-athlete while at Georgetown and a member of its Athletic Hall of Fame, Pennekamp was a former member of the U.S. National Rowing Team before injuries led him to a full time career in banking. management positions at First Fidelity bank of Philadelphia followed, and Pennekamp followed the waves of banking mergers which begat Fieldcor, First Fidelity, First Union, Wachovia, and finally Wells Fargo Bank in that space.
A distinguished alumni volunteer, Pennekamp is a former chairman of the Annual Fund, a former class reunion chair, a past president of Hoyas Unlimited, a past member of the Board of Governors of the Georgetown University Alumni Association, a past member of the Board of Regents, and a devoted member of the Georgetown Rowing Association. For 23 years, the Pennekamps hosted a barbecue for Hoya crew teams participating at the Dad Vail Regatta in Philadelphia, in the years before the Georgetown program upgraded to the Intercollegiate Rowing Association.
In 1995, Pennekamp received the William Gaston Award for service to undergraduate alumni. He is also a recipient of the John Agar award for dedication to the Georgetown Rowing Association.

Edward M. Ricci
JD 1973Jupiter, FL
Edward M. ("Ed") Ricci, an attorney in Palm Beach County, FL, received the John Carroll Award in ceremonies held at the Renaissance Hotel, Cleveland, OH on April 17, 1999.
A native of New York, Ricci earned his degree from the Law Center after undergraduate study at Catholic University and the University of Maryland. He was a founding member of a West Palm Beach law firm specializing in automotive product liability cases. Ricci is a past president of the product liability committee for the Association of trial lawyers of America.
A member of the Law Center Board of Visitors, Ricci and his wife, Judge Mary Lupo (a fellow John Carroll Awardee) endowed a clinical professorship at the Law Center.